Employee Discovered to Be a Monkey
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CLEVELAND, OH Russell North and Alex Beckett of the Northland Insurance Group were recently shocked to discover that one of the top members of their claims department is actually a monkey. Bobo the monkey has been working for Northland since July, and no one noticed that he wasn’t like everyone else until late last week.

No one in the company is quite sure of Bobo’s exact job description. They only know that he holds an upper-level management position—and that the company’s employee and customer satisfaction levels have both skyrocketed since his arrival.

Employee Stanley Evans never realized that he was working for a monkey. “Whenever I requested anything, he just threw a fit. He shrieked a lot, and he threw things at me. I figured that was pretty normal. And whenever we were chatting, I always figured he was just trying to be funny by making those cute monkey sounds. I thought it was weird that his name was just Bobo, but I guess I figured his name was really Bob. I like Bobo. He’s a crazy guy—he’s the greatest boss I’ve ever had.”

When asked when he first realized that Bobo was a monkey, Beckett, a Northland agent, explained, “He came up behind me, climbed on my shoulders, and started picking at my head.” That’s when Beckett brought the issue up to North, who had reported that the bananas from his lunch had been missing for several days.

Beckett and North began to put the pieces together when they brought Bobo to their Tuesday night bowling league, and he bowled with his feet.

Reporters asked Bobo’s supervisor, Sharon Clay, how she was planning on handling the situation, and she refused to give a straight answer. She merely replied, “We’re not sure yet. He seems to be doing a great job. I mean, we haven’t had any complaints. In fact, he could very well be the best Claims Supervisor we’ve ever had.”

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