The Coincidence of Coconut Cake
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As the old saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” And in author Amy E. Reichert’s debut romance, The Coincidence of Coconut Cake, after one woman’s dreams come crashing down around her, she finds that her second attempt to find love and happiness could be even sweeter than the first.

The Coincidence of Coconut Cake bakes up a delectably fluffy romance with Milwaukee chef Lou, who’s determined to make her French restaurant, Luella’s, a success. But then, one morning, she decides to surprise her fiancé with her famous coconut cake, only to catch him with his intern—and the shocking discovery sets off a devastating chain reaction. Still in shock, Lou struggles in the kitchen that night, unknowingly sending undercooked fish to a ruthless food critic, whose scathing review marks the beginning of the end for Luella’s. The only bright spot in her day is Al, the stiff but likable Brit who helps her up when she hits rock bottom. But little does she know that the new guy in her life is also the critic who helped to destroy her dream.

Of course, it’s not hard to guess where the story is headed for these two characters. After all, The Coincidence of Coconut Cake is pretty straightforward chick lit. It’s light and charming and neatly formulaic—like You’ve Got Mail with a foodie twist.

While the outcome may be predictable, though, the journey is still entertaining. Lou and Al meet under pretty dire circumstances, but things quickly pick up as they set out on their adventures through Milwaukee. Lou agrees to introduce Al to the best parts of her beloved city: the food, the festivals, and all of the best local attractions. With each outing, Al falls more in love with both the city he once resented and his enthusiastic guide—and it’s not hard to see why. Reichert’s detailed descriptions of everything from squeaky cheese curds to museum exhibits often read like a love letter to the city—or a tourism guide. And though she sometimes lays it on a bit thick, it’s definitely effective—so much so, in fact, that I guarantee that, at some point in your reading, you’ll at least consider planning a summer trip to Wisconsin.

The characters, meanwhile, are all interesting in their own ways—from defeated yet determined Lou to stuffy and cynical Al to their loyal and lovable friends. And even though you’ll have a good idea of how the story is going to end, you’ll still enjoy following this culinary couple along the way.

The Coincidence of Coconut Cake may not be loaded with surprises, but it’s an appetizing light romance that’s perfect for weekend poolside reading. Be warned, though: the mouth-watering descriptions will have you racing out to indulge in your favorite dishes—so reading it will most likely be hazardous to your diet.

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