Mad Love
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Every marriage has its share of challenges—its ups and downs, its good days and its not-so-good. But in author Nick Spalding’s wild romantic comedy Mad Love, one couple starts out with even more obstacles than the average married couple—and it turns their marriage into a war zone.

The story begins—as many do these days—on a dating website. To prove that its algorithms are flawless, the site sets up a contest to match the perfect couple. The winners of the contest, Jess and Adam, meet at their lavish wedding, are shipped out on a luxurious honeymoon, and are then set up in a posh apartment together. Millions of subscribers follow their every move—since everything is filmed, photographed, and instantly uploaded to the website. But the newlyweds quickly discover that they’re total opposites—and as their minor irritations turn into major annoyances, they struggle to keep from killing each other in public.

Mad Love takes an awkward situation and turns it into an outrageous comic caper, following two imperfect people in a bizarre relationship. Not long ago, the set-up would have seemed absolutely ridiculous, but with reality TV shows pairing up willing strangers on a pretty regular basis, it’s not such an unbelievable story anymore. What plays out after the over-the-top wedding, however, isn’t always expected, but it’s definitely a lot of fun.

Jess and Adam couldn’t be much more different, though both are likable yet flawed in their own ways. She’s a California girl who came to London to study nutrition—and she’s been forced to work as a bartender in a strip club to pay the rent. He’s an awkward video game journalist who lives in a rat-infested apartment with a bunch of alpha-males. She’s boisterous and noisy; he just wants to play his games in peace. She was hopeful about their wedding; he just wanted to move out of his apartment. And even though Adam soon realizes that he might actually have some kind of feelings for his new bride, his British awkwardness and insecurity get in the way—and it only adds to her frustration.

The story is filled with wacky mishaps as the newlyweds struggle to get to know each other while living under the same roof—moments that will sometimes catch you off guard with their humor. And as their frustration and irritation both grow, things go from bad to worse in the most hilarious of ways—from cozy dinner parties gone wrong to publicity stunts that turn into all-out war. And though the relationship’s downward spiral is a little sad—and the characters’ growing insecurity and immaturity can be maddening—it’s also wildly funny.

With its crazy digital-age story and its often catastrophic results, Mad Love is an outrageous romantic comedy. If you’re looking for a sweet romance, this isn’t it—but it’s outlandish and fun and often laugh-out-loud funny.

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