Witch Wars
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My daughter and I are always on the lookout for fun-filled books about lovable little girls who do amazing things. And we’ve found a new favorite series—and new favorite characters—in Witch Wars, the first book in author Sibéal Pounder’s series about a remarkable young girl and her magical friends.

The story introduces nine-year-old Tiga Whicabim, a seemingly below-average girl who discovers that she’s anything but ordinary when Fran the Fabulous Fairy arrives to take her through the drainpipes to a place called Ritzy City. Someone has nominated Tiga for Witch Wars, a competition between young witches to see who will become the next leader of the entire kingdom of witches. Tiga had no idea that she was actually a witch, and she suddenly finds herself battling bad witches and making new friends as she fights for the chance to say in this magical city.

The first book in this bewitching kids’ series follows determined underdog Tiga and her lovably bumbling new friend, Peggy Pigwiggle, as they solve riddles and complete challenges—all while racing against mean girl Felicity Bat and her spoiled bestie, Aggie Hoof. Along the way, they make new friends, visit new places, and learn more about themselves—and they even become reality TV stars in the process.

While you might expect a story about witches battling one another for control to be sinister and scary, it actually poses little threat of nightmares. While it does feature some bad witches, they’re so over-the-top that they’re generally more comical than evil. And the more terrifying of challenges typically turn out to be much sillier than expected.

This magical adventure is whimsical and fun and often remarkably clever, too, traveling through the different communities in the land of Sinkville—a place where the witches wander the streets wearing glamorous hats and gowns and everything is colored in a tasteful and elegant black and white. It’s a place with so many fascinating places to explore and so many interesting characters to meet. So not only will kids enjoy exploring Sinkville in this first book in the series, but they’ll be eager to read more, too.

If you’re looking for an entertaining way to end the day with your young reader, Witch Wars is a fun-filled and imaginative story that will give them dreams of magical places, strong characters, and exciting adventures.

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