Girl, Stop Apologizing
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Unabridged Digital Audiobook
Runtime: 8 hours, 10 minutes
Read by the author

In her first bestseller, Girl, Wash Your Face, author, media mogul, and motivational speaker Rachel Hollis examined the lies that women tell themselves, using stories from her own life to illustrate. In Girl, Stop Apologizing, she takes the next step, encouraging women to break out and reach for their dreams.

This motivational follow-up opens by exploring the reasons why women don’t reach their full potential—the fears, the expectations that hold them back. Hollis then goes on to talk about the excuses that women need to let go of as they set out to work toward making those quiet, unspoken goals a reality. Then, once those excuses are gone, she moves on to the new behaviors and the new skills that readers need to take the next steps into becoming whom they were truly meant to be.

If you’re familiar with Rachel Hollis, her books, her podcasts, or her motivational conferences, you know what you’re in for here. This is a woman who calls it as she sees it. She built a multi-million-dollar media company (one that’s big enough that her husband left his job as a Disney executive to work for her) on sheer energy and determination. And all of that comes through here. If you read her book—and, especially, listen to her narration—you’ll walk away feeling loved, supported, and inspired. She will make you feel like you can—and will—do absolutely anything you put your mind to. And she’s right.

Admittedly, there are times when it can be hard to relate to Hollis and her stories. Not all of us can afford plastic surgery or professional highlights and extensions or a full-time staff. And that can make it difficult to follow Hollis’s advice to get that extra help to allow you time to work toward your goals—or to do what it takes to feel good about yourself. At times, some pages can feel a little out of touch with her more humble roots.

Still, her messages are ones that women really need to hear—often so simple but so accurate. At least some of them will definitely hit close to home. And listening to this book could very well give you the kind of nudge you need to make that move or start that business that you’ve always wanted to start.

If you’ve been feeling the urge to try something new but struggle to find the support, the encouragement, or just that final push to take the leap, Rachel will give you that push. And after it’s all over, you’ll feel ready to take on the world.

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