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Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect
Unabridged Digital Audiobook
Runtime: 8 hours, 27 minutes
Read by Barton Welch and Megan Smart

There’s just something about a train ride through the countryside—the rhythmic movement, the scenery moving past the window—that can pull you out of a rut and give you a fresh perspective. But in the audio edition of Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson, a train ride through the countryside [more...]
Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone
Unabridged Digital Audiobook
Runtime: 9 hours, 30 minutes
Read by Barton Welch

Mystery novels tend to begin with a crime—a robbery or maybe a murder—and build the story around it. But in the audio edition of Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone, the bodies pile up in this clever tale of murder, mayhem, and family dysfunction.

The story follows Ernest (“Ern”) Cunningham, author of books [more...]
Hollywood Hustle
When most of us think about Hollywood, we think of glitz and glamour and red carpet events filled with the biggest and best-looking movie stars. But in his debut thriller, Hollywood Hustle, actor-turned-author Jon Lindstrom offers a look at the darker side of Hollywood.

The story finds aging film star Winston Greene in a real-life situation that seems to have come right out of one of his movies. He wakes one morning to find [more...]
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