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Bride and Groom
Wedding day jitters are pretty common. In preparing to make a lifelong commitment to another person, it’s understandable that a person might get a little nervous. But in Bride and Groom by Rona Halsall, a bride’s wedding day jitters are caused by a very serious situation.

The story begins as disaster strikes just days before Nicci’s wedding. After a night at a friend’s house, Nicci gets behind the wheel to drive home [more...]
Every Single Secret
No matter how hard we may try to leave it behind, the past always seems to find us back. And in the romantic thriller Every Single Secret by Christina Dodd, a young woman finds her past catching up to her after 14 years on the run when she ends up face-to-face with the man who wants her dead.

The story finds Rowan Winterbourne hiding away in a lighthouse on the California coast. For the past 14 years, Rowan has been keeping [more...]
The Underground Library
For voracious readers, a good book can be the best medicine when times get tough. In fact, just the smell of a book can bring peace and comfort. And in The Underground Library by author Jennifer Ryan, a group of readers find their comfort in an unlikely place during wartime.

The story explores the power of books through the lives of three women living in London during the Blitz. When Juliet Lansdown takes a job as the deputy [more...]
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