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Bride and Groom
Wedding day jitters are pretty common. In preparing to make a lifelong commitment to another person, it’s understandable that a person might get a little nervous. But in Bride and Groom by Rona Halsall, a bride’s wedding day jitters are caused by a very serious situation.

The story begins as disaster strikes just days before Nicci’s wedding. After a night at a friend’s house, Nicci gets behind the wheel to drive home [more...]
The Suite Life
For most of us, a week in a luxury beach resort sounds like a dream. But in The Suite Life by Portia MacIntosh, a young woman spends her week in paradise scrambling to try to find the perfect date for her sister’s upcoming wedding.

The story finds Gigi Marsden facing an awkward situation. Her sister is about to get married at a destination wedding in Hawaii, and her ex-boyfriend is the best man. To make matters worse, [more...]
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